Good morning Gems!!! I can't believe it! We have two days left before we begin the 40 day prayer challenge. This is going to be an intentional prayer challenge that will change my life in many ways. I am so excited for this! I am also nervous about this challenge. Why I'm excited? I'm excited for this challenge because I've been feeling the push to pray more, to spend more intentional quality time with God and to learn more about prayer for the past year, but I never did anything about it. I know ( intercessory ) prayer will be one of my powerful gifts once I get past some barriers and really embrace it. To break those barriers I need to grow in my own personal prayer life. Why I'm nervous? I'm nervous because I know this isn't going to be an easy journey. I know God is going to say some things I don't want to hear and even deny me some things in order for me to come to full capacity with my prayer life and faith walk. I know this is going to ...