Good morning Gems!!!
Today is day two of the 40 day prayer challenge and we are going to be keep the focus on what prayer is.
As we discussed yesterday, prayer is simply a divine, spiritual communication between you and God. It's your hotline to Him anytime and anywhere. Prayer gets complicated because we, as complex beings, make it complicated.
Prayer is as simple as telling God how your day went, praising Him for waking you up, thanking Him for the shoes on your feet. It is so simple. Now, of course after some time our prayers need to go beyond that of a child, but even as we mature in our prayer life it's still the same:
Prayers don't have to be these theologically, powerful speeches. They are simply from the heart.
Even so, after we speak we are to LISTEN for His voice. We can't just talk to Him and then move on with life and then get upset when He doesn't give us an answer. We truly never take the time to give Him the floor. Be it two minutes or an hour. We need to not just pray, but listen.
So, if someone walked up to you and asked you what prayer was, what would you tell them?
Journaling Prompt
Please be as true to yourself as possible when answering the prompt to get the most out of this challenge.
The first scripture comes from Daniel 10:12:
Spend 2-5 minutes journaling your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Take 2 minutes and verbally speak your written prayer. Pray out loud so that He can hear your voice. If your prayer is short, try to add to it. Ask God to help you have a better prayer life. Tell Him what's on your heart. Don't allow your nerves to get the best of you. Pray to your Father with an open heart.
Sit quietly in a position that will not make you tired and wait on God. You may feel His presence, you may hear from Him. If you do, write down what He says or what you're feeling. Give yourself at least two minutes of pure silence to be able to hear from and feel God. This is a conversation, not a rant. Allow Him the opportunity to speak to you after you've spoken to Him.
Day two is now complete! Tomorrow we will dive into the purpose of prayer.
Blessings,Today is day two of the 40 day prayer challenge and we are going to be keep the focus on what prayer is.

Prayer is as simple as telling God how your day went, praising Him for waking you up, thanking Him for the shoes on your feet. It is so simple. Now, of course after some time our prayers need to go beyond that of a child, but even as we mature in our prayer life it's still the same:
Prayers don't have to be these theologically, powerful speeches. They are simply from the heart.
Even so, after we speak we are to LISTEN for His voice. We can't just talk to Him and then move on with life and then get upset when He doesn't give us an answer. We truly never take the time to give Him the floor. Be it two minutes or an hour. We need to not just pray, but listen.
So, if someone walked up to you and asked you what prayer was, what would you tell them?
Journaling Prompt
Please be as true to yourself as possible when answering the prompt to get the most out of this challenge.
What's your prayer life like? Not what others see, but what God sees? What is your attitude when you pray? Are you resisting Him, demanding your own way? Or are you bowing before Him and saying, as Jesus said, "Thy will be done"? Is it your desire, truly, to draw near to God, to know Him, to please Him? Are you praying just to check off a list?Please take this time and truthful with yourself.
The first scripture comes from Daniel 10:12:
Then he said to me, "Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.The second scripture comes from 1 Timothy 2:8:
I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.Prayer Journaling
Spend 2-5 minutes journaling your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
What does today's scripture mean to you? How can you apply it to your prayer life? How can you better your prayer life?Verbal Prayer
Take 2 minutes and verbally speak your written prayer. Pray out loud so that He can hear your voice. If your prayer is short, try to add to it. Ask God to help you have a better prayer life. Tell Him what's on your heart. Don't allow your nerves to get the best of you. Pray to your Father with an open heart.
Sit quietly in a position that will not make you tired and wait on God. You may feel His presence, you may hear from Him. If you do, write down what He says or what you're feeling. Give yourself at least two minutes of pure silence to be able to hear from and feel God. This is a conversation, not a rant. Allow Him the opportunity to speak to you after you've spoken to Him.
Day two is now complete! Tomorrow we will dive into the purpose of prayer.
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