Title: Adamant
Author: Lisa Bevere
Age: Adult
Genres: Christian Living, Non-Fiction
Publication Date: April 17, 2018
Publisher: Revell
Source: Paperback copy provided.
Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | B&N | ChristianBook
By ancient definition, the adamant was known as both a diamond and a mythical stone of indestructible wonder. In more modern terminology, it describes a posture of unshakeable resolve and determination. If there was ever a time for us to be adamant about love and truth it is now. God is Love. God is Truth. Both love and truth are timeless, transcending our current trends and opinions. Sometimes the most loving thing we will ever do is to speak the truth, but speaking truth begins with living it.
Using the mediums of Scripture and story, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere takes readers on a journey into the Mountain of God, to the one place they can learn not only to abide in God's unshakeable truth and love, but become adamant--people who are unmovable, determined, and steadfast. With conviction and passion, Lisa unpacks the concept of the adamant for readers, linking together the grand story of Scripture and God's purpose in their lives. Readers will see that God's plan is revealed as we dwell in him, it is there that we are forged and shaped. As we abide in Christ our Cornerstone we are shaped into the image of the adamant.
Lisa Bevere is well-known for her books. I have never read any of her other books though I do own Lioness Arising on ebook. I was super excited to read Adamant because it 1) was her latest book, 2) had a gorgeous cover (I'm a sucker for a stunning book cover) and 3) seemed relevant to the times we live in and my own personal feelings. Adamant is all about "finding truth in a universe of opinions." It's about understanding how truth is a rock and not like a flowing river. Truth is never changing and unending. As Christians our adamant should be God because he anchors our souls in a raging sea of opinions. God gives us a clear sense of direction in this crazy world we live in.
God can never lie. He is truth. Jesus even said that He is "the way, the truth and the light" in John 14:6. God is immovable, invincible, unshakable and can never tell a lie. Jesus, himself, is the cornerstone of all we are and ever dream to be. Adamant is a book that helps you to understand God in a new light. This book is comprised of 11 chapters that focus on God and what He is and is not adamant about. It will give you some core truths to remember, know and understand when someone gives you their personal opinion.
I truly loved this book and look forward to re-reading it again on my own and as part of a book club. I will hands down say buy this book without reservation. It's phenomenal!
God can never lie. He is truth. Jesus even said that He is "the way, the truth and the light" in John 14:6. God is immovable, invincible, unshakable and can never tell a lie. Jesus, himself, is the cornerstone of all we are and ever dream to be. Adamant is a book that helps you to understand God in a new light. This book is comprised of 11 chapters that focus on God and what He is and is not adamant about. It will give you some core truths to remember, know and understand when someone gives you their personal opinion.
I truly loved this book and look forward to re-reading it again on my own and as part of a book club. I will hands down say buy this book without reservation. It's phenomenal!
Go grab a copy!
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