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Collateral Damage by Lynette Eason {Blog Tour}

Looking for a romantic suspense with tons of action and intrigue?! Check out my thoughts on Collateral Damage!

Title: Collateral Damage
Author: Lynette Eason
Series: Danger Never Sleeps #1
Age: Adult
Genres: Romantic Suspense, Christian Fiction
Publication Date: January 7, 2020
Publisher: Revell
Source: Paperback
Purchase: Hardcover | Paperback | Kindle | Audible
Honorably discharged from the Army after an explosion nearly killed her, former military psychiatrist Brooke Adams has set up shop to help others--but her days of helping military personnel are over. She's got her own battles to fight from her time overseas, and she's not equipped to take on more. Former Army Special Ops Sergeant First Class Asher James could handle anything that war sent his way--terrorists, bombs, bullets. The only thing that scares him now is sleep. As the shadows close in, the nightmares begin. 
Finally convinced that he needs help, Asher makes an appointment with a counselor, and Brooke is pressed by her boss to take him on. When he arrives at her office she isn't there--but a dead body is. Brooke is devastated when she walks in, and Asher is a conveniently strong shoulder to cry on. But she can't take him on as a client after sharing such an intimate and unprofessional moment, can she? And he's not sure he can handle sharing his deepest fears with such a beautiful woman. 
When it becomes clear that Brooke was the real target of the attack--and that her secrets go even deeper than his own--Asher vows to protect her no matter what. 
Bestselling author Lynette Eason is back with a new series that spans the globe and will have your heart working overtime.
My Rating
I don’t know where to begin with this story. I am giving this a 3-star rating because I enjoyed the plot and characters, but it dragged on and got annoying so I eventually decided to DNF the book at the same time. The writing was great, the plot was interesting and the two-protagonist seemed interesting. However, for me, I got annoyed with how many side-stories were involved in the main story and all the characters and how they all connected. There was something about it that I just couldn’t connect with and didn’t want to continue reading on with at the moment.

Brooke Adams was a psychiatrist for the military who got discharged after she was involved in an explosion. She was an interesting character in that as a psychiatrist she couldn’t deal with her own issues. She would have “moments” where she’d have flashbacks to the day of the explosion and try to sweep it under the rug. I liked seeing her battle with her own issues while helping others and trying to figure out her own life.

Asher James, former Army Special Ops Sergeant First Class, has left the army after an explosion took the life of many of his comrades. He’s back home and dealing with the aftermath of that explosion. Asher seems to be a closed off kind of guy, but he’s really a sweetheart. He tries to stifle his experience in Afghanistan, but can’t seem to control his “moments” and he finds that he can’t really relate to many people. I liked seeing Asher work for his help. Though it was hard, he admitted his need and sought out the help for his mental stability.

The action was absolutely insane. I enjoyed the fights in Afghanistan, the attempts on Brookes life and the drama with Sarah in Afghanistan. I feel like this book had a good balance of action (at least for what I did manage to read before I decided to DNF). I was consumed into each twist that came about on the pages.

Even though I did DNF this book, I do plan to go back to it in the year, but for right now it was just not my cup of tea. Not that I didn’t like it, but for the amount of romantic suspense I read for the month of January thus far I couldn’t bear reading yet another one. I’ll come back to this book in April or May!



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