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CSB Study Bible for Women {Bible Review}

Good morning loves!

I'm starting a new layout when it comes to doing my Bible reviews just because they need a more in-depth post than my book reviews. I created a new way that will help me share more info about each Bible so I hope this helps you all!

Today's review is on the The Study Bible for Women in the CSB translation and I am so excited to do this review. I want to first thank B&H Publishing group for the opportunity to review this gorgeous Bible as they sent me this Bible for review. This Bible was release on April 15, 2018, so it's been out for almost a month now.

I'm going to start off by sharing with you all what it says on the B&H website:
Now available in the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) translation with revised and updated content and a fresh, new interior design, the CSB Study Bible for Women will equip you to reach deep into God’s Word. As the most comprehensive study Bible ever prepared for women and by women, the most powerful aspect of this Bible are the "threads" of specialized study thoughtfully woven throughout pointing you to God’s larger story and allowing the Holy Spirit to write His revealed truths on your heart. In the CSB Study Bible for Women, you’ll join a host of other women, all academically trained in the original languages of the Bible and passionate about God’s Word, for an intimately deep dive into Scripture that will equip you to unlock the riches and majesty of His Word, and ignite a passion to mentor others in your life to do the same.
This Bible is absolutely stunning. It's the updated version of the HCSB study Bible which I use as my devotional Bible. I am a huge fan of this Bible. I received the Light Turquoise/Sand Hardcover and it is absolutely beautiful with a floral 2/3 dust jacket. This is feminine without being over the top and neutral without being too boring. Let's jump into some stats before I share my thoughts:
  • retail price is $39.99 (check bottom for links to purchase)
  • dimensions are 9.6" (L) x 6.5" (W) x 1.25" (H)
  • cloth hardcover
  • 2240 pages
  • font size is 9.25
  • two column text
  • full color maps
  • concordance
  • plenty of resources (keep reading below for more info on these)
Check out this awesome promo video below that the people at Holman created!
This is a beautiful hardcover Bible with so many different resources. I'm a fan of these from the previous HCSB translation, but it just looks so much prettier, compact and organized in the updated CSB. I'm going to go through all the aspects of this study Bible. From the book introductions, various "threads", study notes and applications...I'll dive into each.

Book Introductions

Each of the 66 books of the Bible opens with a pretty floral heading and then a key verse that captures one the book's themes. Next you get a section that focuses on the 5 W's and 1 H. I think this section is essential to understanding the basis of the book that you're getting ready to read and study. This helps you better understand the context of the scriptures you'll read. There is also a timeline of people and main events. Finally in the introductory section there is an outline of the book broken into different sections.

Study Notes

Commentary is one that I'm iffy of but sense I own two other Bibles edited by Dorthy and Rhonda in the HCSB and the KJV translations I know that their study notes are full of factual information instead of their opinions. They offer insights on difficult to understand passages, spotlight truths, breakdown Hebrew and Greek words and so much more. I, personally, always find their study notes helpful.


This resource is found at the end of each book of the Bible and it's titled "Written on my Heart." It's a prayer, devotional word of application, celebration, encouragement or other means of allowing the Holy Spirit to write the truths from the book on your heart. My personal fav (having read it in the HCSB translation) is the prayer found at the end the gospel of John. It's a phenomenal prayer


I live for the "threads" throughout this Bible. They just make the reading and studying experience so much fun. The "threads" are specialized study helps woven throughout the Bible. There are answers to hard questions that we may never want to as that are prompted by the text of scripture -- I love this because they give amazing answers and make you think. There are word studies, relevant articles on biblical womanhood, profiles of biblical women and finally doctrines that are explained and defined. These threads just bring the whole study experience together in such a way that feeds your spirit and helps you grow and mature as a child of God.

This Bible is a phenomenal study Bible that I believe every woman should own. It will help you grasp the Word of God and drive your studying to a whole new level. Do I recommend this Bible? Yes, I definitely do! As a fan of the previous HCSB translation, I just HAVE to recommend this updated CSB translation. It's a keeper.

Grab a copy: Lifeway | Christian Book | Amazon

Once again, I give my thanks to BH Publishing Group for allowing me to review this beautiful women's study Bible.


  1. A very good review and I'm sold on this one, cant wait to get a copy, thank you.


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