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The Heart Changer by Jarm Del Boccio {Book Review}

Have you ever read a children's biblical fiction story? I Haven't until yesterday and boy was I blown away!!

Today's book review is on a beautiful middle grade biblical fiction novel that comes from 2 Kings 5. I was pleasantly surprised with how amazing this was. The writing was beautiful. The use of biblical wisdom was amazing.

Title: The Heart Changer

Author: Jarm Del Boccio

Age: Middle Grade

Genres: Biblical Fiction, Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction

Publication Date: April 26, 2019

Publisher: Ambassador International

Source: Paperback

Purchase: Paperback | Kindle | Audible | Christian Book

Can an Israelite captive, wrenched from all she loves, serve the very man who destroyed her village? 
Miriam is asked to do the impossible: serve the wife of Naaman, commander of the Syrian army. Clinging to treasured memories of home and faith, Miriam faces captivity with worry and bitterness. Little does she know the Heart Changer is wooing and preparing her for a greater mission far beyond what she could imagine. 
This middle-grade historical novel reflects the heartache and angst of a young refugee in a foreign land where all hope seems lost.
My Rating
This was such a beautiful read. I have never read a MG-based biblical fiction novel so this was sort of new to me. I didn't go in expecting to enjoy my reading experience as I would adult biblical fiction, but I did! I loved the writing. The chapters were short, but they were packed with essential moments, conversations and insights. The use of OT scripture was well-down as well!

Miriam was such an authentic girl to me. I could relate to her anger and bitterness, but I could also relate to her shame she had for being angry and bitter. At 12, she was kidnapped from her home in Shunem and taken to serve Naaman, Commander of the Syrian armies. Her new role would be assistant and servant to Adara, Naaman's wife. Miriam was a strong girl. Through all the hurt and pain she managed to make it through to the end. She was snarky, she was quiet, but she was also bold when it came to talking about God. I loved seeing her growth in her own personal faith and relationship with God. Her experience, though heart-wrenching, helped her to grow closer to God and to be used for purpose. Seeing her go from stubborn to open was beautiful.

Adara, Naaman's wife, seemed to be a bit pushy at times, but I loved her inward desire to grow closer to Miriam and learn more about God. She was kind to her servants and though she didn't believe in becoming friends with them, she treated them like humans and not lesser beings.

Naaman was an interesting man. You would think he'd be evil, but he, like his wife, had a nice heart. He was caring and protective. He was stubborn too. Seeing his inner "battle" with the prophet Elisha's request was funny.

Rana was a broken girl that just needed to be shown the light. I enjoyed seeing her go from angry to all smiles. Vashti was a cutie pie! I wish there was more of her, but with the direction the story took I'm glad she was away for safety!

Overall, this was amazing and would definitely recommend it to younger MG readers.



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