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Just One Touch by Cynthia Conner Goyang {Book Review}

Have you ever been told about a book but never picked it up to read? I have been told about this book about 10 times. Finally I have gotten the chance to read it and I must say it was awesome.

Check out my review of this beautiful story on the woman with the issue of blood. It will leave you wanting more and feeling like you need faith boost.

Title: Just One Touch

Author: Cynthia Conner Goyang

Age: Adult

Genres: Biblical Fiction, Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction

Publication Date: December 6, 2012

Publisher: Ambassador International

Source: Paperback

Purchase: Paperback | Kindle | Audible | Christian Book

What might this woman's life have been like prior to her years of suffering from this ailment? What would she have endured during the years of her infirmity? How would she have felt as she forced her way through the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus' garment? 
How might her life have been affected afterwards? 
Meet Sapira, a woman of striking beauty from humble beginnings. She emerges by means of marriage to a life of luxury. After many unfortunate events, Sapira loses everything her family, her place in the community, her wealth, and her health until the day she pushes forward to touch the hem of Jesus' garment.
My Rating:
Wow...this was such a beautifully written taken on the woman with the issue of blood from the book of Mark. I loved the writing from start to finish. It pulled me in quickly. It was blended with humor and romance, but steeped in heartache and displeasure. I enjoyed the way this story was developed. I wanted to go with a full 5 star rating, but I decided to go with a 4 star rating because I didn't completely connect and 100% fall in love with the characters. Plus, that final romance was kind of an "out-of-the-blue" thing.

Sapira is a young girl loved by her father. She's sweet, kind, affectionate, funny and beautiful. She's been her father's pride and joy and has been loved by all. I enjoyed Sapira as a character from start to finish. She was well developed as a character. Her beauty didn't go to her head. She cared for those around her. She was a hard-working girl. She faced many hardships and difficulties that wrecked me! She showed some strength and resolve towards the end, but while going through she beat herself up too much. Handling all she had coming her way was hard and well-done, but I just couldn't 100% connect with her. She did, however, make me cry!

Ahir seemed like a prince in shining armor, but he was such a wretched little boy deep down inside. I loved him until things went crazy with his actions. I didn't care for his antics around other merchants. He was a broken young man on the inside pretending to have all this bravado. He was a realistic male character, but he still irritated me. Especially towards the end -- I wanted to jump through the page and beat him!

Hazael, Ahir's father, was a TERRIBLE man! He was rude towards his entire family. Unfortunately, the way he treated his wife is how his son learned to treat women. This man was wicked to the core and ruled by money. I did not care for how rude he was to his only son and how harsh he was toward his wife and daughter-in-law. He got what he deserved in the end. I wanted to throw my book every time he came on the page because he was just downright nasty.

The faith aspects were beautiful. You could see how Sapira went from believing in God to abandoning God and trying to figure things out on her own. I do wish there was more about her personal relationship with God, but I loved how you could see the growth at the end.

This book was good enough to make me cry and angry over certain characters. It connected to the Bible clearly with its use of scripture. It was encouraging in that it made me think about my relationship with God.

Overall, I definitely recommend this book to those looking for a good biblical retelling of the woman with the issue of blood. This does a great job at giving a fictional background to the woman and making her feel real.



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