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Happy 28th Birthday To Me!

Good morning Gems!!!

It's currently 4:42am EST as I write this and I'm just in my thoughts. I am now 28 years old...two years from 30. Yes, today is my B I R T H D A Y!!!!!!!!
As excited as I am about being a year older, I will say the past two weeks were insane for me emotionally. I was so concerned about my future, the plans that I had for myself that failed and almost being 30 that I started looking over my life and my past -- in doing so I found that I was making myself physically sick, stressed and feel down.

However, Sunday was an awesome time in church. I was laid out on the floor, I went up in praise and I got my filling from God. I felt restoration, renewal and revival all at once.

As emotional as I felt leading up to my birthday -- after yesterday, I am now feeling at peace with my day.

At 28 years old I'm not successful according to the world. I mean let's take a look:
  • I live at home with my mom and 3 younger siblings with my 5 year old son.
  • My relationship with my son's father is in a weird stage.
  • I have no job.
  • No stable income.
  • No drivers license.
  • Still have a year of school left to complete.
According to the world, I'm nowhere near successful. HOWEVER, according to the Word of God I'm more than successful in many ways.

First let's look at the blessings despite what the world calls unsuccessful:
  • I have a place to lay my head every night for my son and I.
  • My mother is a loving woman who is in NO rush to kick me out, she wants to make sure I'm prepared for the best. I know relative who have had to leave because their parents made them go. I know people struggling to keep their place or settling for a place. My mother loves me enough to let me stay with her while working on my own life. I do my part in the house and things work smoothly.
  • My relationship is strange, BUT God has been answering prayers concerning my son's father and I. He's working slowly and silently. My son's father and I love each other deeply, we don't have issues that make us hate one another. We desire to get married, but I'm grateful that God has stepped in and took hold.
  • I have no job, BUT God is allowing me to use my talents, skills and gifts. I also have MORE time to dedicate to Him and growing in the Word. -- I mean DOI was created over the years of me not working.
  • I don't have a stable income, BUT God provides for me -- be it picking up a job doing makeup (which I have a client at the salon this week!!), through Daughter of Increase or those who know me (family, friends and etc). I have NEVER truly been without in the past 6.5 years of me not having a job (testimony coming soon). Not that I haven't tried, but it's just not in the cards for me. God has a MUCH better plan. No matter how hard I try (even for McDonald's and BK) nothing falls through.
I mean the list can go on and on. Now, let's look at the other things that make me successful according to my Father:
  • I'm walking in my purpose.
  • I'm in the process of being elevated to an evangelist.
  • I'm studying His Word more intensely and loving it.
  • I've created a ministry that He gifted me.
  • I'm edifying others.
  • I'm "teaching" the Word of God to many.
  • I'm blessed.
  • I'm favored.
  • I'm loved.
  • I'm forgiven.
  • I'm redeemed.
  • I'm purposed.
  • I'm cared for.
This list can run on and on, but I don't want this to be a long-winded post.

I wrote a post yesterday sharing 27 things I've learned in the 27 years I've lived. Through everything I've gone through and with the way things seem in the flesh I am still successful.

I'm excited for my day. I'm grateful that I made it to 28. I'm grateful that God saw fit to chase me, save me and keep me because He gave me purpose for His purpose. I was sad for the last two weeks, but yesterday I got my praise on and now I'm up with a smile meditating on His goodness.

I'm excited for 28 and can't wait to grow, mature and continue on in my walk. I can't wait to see what He has in-store for 28!

Abba, I thank you for another year! 



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