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Bread of Angels by Tessa Afshar {Book Review}

Title: Bread of Angels

Author: Tessa Afshar

Age: Adult

Genres: Biblical Fiction, Historial Fiction

Publication Date: June 6, 2017

Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

Source: Paperback

Purchase: Hardcover | Paperback | Kindle | Audible | Christian Book | iTunes | Kobo | B&N | Play Store

Purple. The foundation of an influential trade in a Roman world dominated by men. One woman rises up to take the reins of success in an incredible journey of courage, grit, and friendship. And along the way, she changes the world. 
But before she was Lydia, the seller of purple, she was simply a merchant's daughter who loved three things: her father, her ancestral home, and making dye. Then unbearable betrayal robs her of nearly everything. 
With only her father's secret formulas left, Lydia flees to Philippi and struggles to establish her business on her own. Determination and serendipitous acquaintances--along with her father's precious dye--help her become one of the city's preeminent merchants. But fear lingers in every shadow, until Lydia meets the apostle Paul and hears his message of hope, becoming his first European convert. Still, Lydia can't outrun her secrets forever, and when past and present collide, she must either stand firm and trust in her fledgling faith or succumb to the fear that has ruled her life.
My Rating
Yet another 5⭐ read from Tessa Afshar! I cannot believe of all 7 of her books 5 of them have received a 5⭐ and one has gotten a 4⭐ rating. I still need to read one more book (Land of Silence) before I've completed all of her published books. My, my ... her writing just grips from beginning to end as usual. She brings the scriptures to life and gives a more relatable feel to the people of Bible.

The story follows Lydia who is the famous seller of Purple in Philippi. It begins with her at the age of 10 in her home town with her father and ends with her meeting Paul in Philippi. I just loved her so much ! She was amazing strong with a heart of gold. She dealt with betrayal, hardships and lies. Throughout everything she managed to pull through. She did allow her anger and fear to control at times, but she also overcame them.

Rebekah was amazing. Chloris was adorable. The General was fantastic. All those who came in contact with Lydia were helpful to her growth as a woman of faith. I loved the friendships and associates she built.

Paul was amazing! I loved seeing him come to life in this book alongside Luke, Silas and Timothy. They were so full of wisdom and aimed to free people by sharing the Good News. Paul didn't let anything stop him. He faced things head on and kept strong on his faith. I loved him in this story and all that he brought to it.

Jason and Antiochus were both amazing douche-bags. Jason was like the scum of the earth to me for how he played Lydia. Antiochus was just a spoiled, twisted child who needed to truthfully grow up. Maybe a spanking would have sufficed in his childhood days.

Marcus was amazing to me! He was kind, sweet, a man of great faith and had such a peace about him. He seemed to have so much knowledge and wisdom behind him. Considering his past, he overcame so much. I loved his bits of flirtation as well.

The romance was so interestingly done. With Jason and Lydia you could see so many red-flags going off, but Lydia being young and in love paid no mind to them. I didn't care for the two of them together. However, Marcus was an amazing guy for Lydia! He was sweet, kind, supported her work, always sought to protect and help her. Marcus edified her spirit man and was a man of faith. The two of them together just flowed. I loved it, especially that ending !!!

The faith and biblical aspects are amazing as usual with Tessa's writing. The first two chapters gripped me with how much I was able to relate to certain parts. Tessa was able to take fear, put it in a well-known person from the Bible and weave it into a beautifully written story that tests faith and love.

On top of that, Tessa's explanation of the title in the story was well done. She always has some type of explanation of her titles woven into her stories so this was just as beautifully done as the others.

Highly recommend this story!



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