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27 Things I've Learned in 27 Years

Good morning Gems!!!

Happy Sunday to you all! I pray you all have a blessed day at church. We are in the month of June. That means we just about half-way through the year. It also means it's my birthday!!! Tomorrow I will be 28 years old...I can't believe it. These past two weeks have been insanely emotional for me. I've been thinking on my life and wondering too much about where I'm going.

Instead of focusing on the blessings I was focused on what's not right. I was looking at my life from the world's view rather than God's view. It drove me up a wall emotionally. I felt myself slipping. I thank God for His grace, peace and love that abounds because I was able to revert myself back to thoughts of Him alone.

I do plan on posting tomorrow of course, but today I wanted to share 27 things I've learned in the past 27 years.
These 27 things are personal and spiritual. These are things that have left their mark on my heart over the years...

1. It's okay to be vulnerable. I used to be a quiet person -- I still am -- but I've learned to be vulnerable and open with people. I am smart about who, where and what I'm vulnerable about though I've learned it's okay to open up. It helps with healing for myself and others.

2. I don't have to do everything alone. I'm the type that would rather not ask for help. I'll try to figure it out on my own or just be stuck in a situation. I don't like asking for help because I never liked relying on others or being vulnerable.

3. Rejection is good. Rejection hurts, but it helps me become stronger. On a spiritual level, rejection is God no for a better yes.

4. Social media is for edifying, not crucifying. I used to use social media as an outlet -- to express my pain, hurt and disappointment. It only hurt me. Over the years, I've learned

5. It's okay not to know. I've always wanted to know everything, but I've learned that sometimes I don't need to and if I don't it's okay. In time I will and it's all part of the journey.

6. My plans mean NOTHING. It's never about me. My life is for God so my personal plans will always fail. I need to focus on God's plan and not my own.

7. Prayer is KEY. Prayer is where I can go broken, torn, teary eyed, hurt and be with the One who can heal me.

8. The Bible is my best-friend. When I say this I mean it. I can talk to it, laugh with it, sleep with it, eat with it, hang out with it, go on a date with it -- yes, it has truly become my best-friend in the past 2 years.

9. Forgive! I've learned in this year to truly forgive those who have hurt me. It's not easy, but it's allowed me to sleep better when I do. Be it a small thing or a large, forgiving them is for my peace of mind, not theirs.

10. Speak, don't stay quiet. There is a time and place to keep your mouth shut. I've learned to speak more about my feelings, thoughts and beliefs rather than just keep them to myself.

11. Sweet, creamy coffee is the B E S T. I was more of a tea drinker. Coffee was something I had back during my freshman year of college. However, the past year I've learned that coffee creamers are the BEST creation ever -- lol.

12. Nature brings me peace. Clouds, flowers, landscapes -- they bring me peace and make me smile at God's beauty.

13. Sleep is precious. I've been learning how important and precious it is! As a mom, sleep has not been a priority for me. Starting and running DOI has made sleep even more non-existent. I realize that sleep is something I NEED to be effective!

14. Stand firm in my faith. Over the years I found that I allowed my faith to waver, but I've learned to be rooted in my faith when facing things that seem impossible.

15. It's helpful to cry. I don't like crying in front of people because it makes me vulnerable. I've learned that crying helps me release my feelings when I can't speak them. Now I cry a bit easier instead of holding my tears in.

16. Go to church. As much as I enjoyed church I couldn't stand being in church for too long in my early 20's. Now, I'm ready to be in church all night to stay among other believers.

17. Step out my comfort zone. Don't get stuck in my comfy places -- be willing to get uncomfortable.

18. Be flexible. God loves stretching you when you find yourself getting relaxed. I've learned to be prepared for the stretch and to lean into it.

19. Accept love. Sounds ridiculous, but without realizing it I was rejecting love from people. Not intentionally, but because of the walls I had around my heart.

20. Candy is NOT healthy. I was always a candy-freak -- meaning I had candy in mouth every hour. Thankfully no teeth have fallen out, but I've had to had two removed due to the excessive eating of candy and I've had about 3 cavities over time. I still love candy, but I eat it in major moderation!

21. Start my days with Jesus. Spending my mornings with Christ always lead to a better, productive and uplifted day.

22. It's okay to be selfish as a mom. Many times as moms it's all about our children. I've learned that it's okay to tell my child no and be selfish at times. Moms like their PT time as well. Obviously, being selfish within reason lol.

23. Find peace in hardships. Every day won't be peachy. I've learned to find peace by looking to God and focusing on Christ. Even in the hard moments and situations peace can be found and felt.

24. Use my gifts. I normally would sit on different skills, talents and gifts I had, but I've learned to use them. They are a blessing to me and can be a blessing to others. Instead of hiding them, I need to share and reveal them within reason.

25. Everyone is not meant to be my friend. Some people are meant to just cross my path for a moment. People are not meant to stay in my life. Some are only to be friends for a while. Those I do have as true friends I cherish.

26. Stay rooted. Being rooted in Christ is the only thing keeping me. Started my journey three years ago, though I've been a Christian all my life.

27. Trust GOD. It's really that simple. I need to trust Him alone and not myself.

I hope these things were able to help you in some shape or form. Have a blessed day!



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