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Of Fire and Lions by Mesu Andrews {Book Review}

Title: Of Fire and Lions

Author: Mesu Andrews

Series: Prophets and Kings #2

Age: Adult

Genres: Biblical Fiction

Expected Publication Date: March 5, 2019

Publisher: Waterbrook Press

Source: ARC

Purchase: Paperback | Kindle | Audible | Christian Book

The Old Testament book of Daniel comes to life in this novel for readers of Lynn Austin's Chronicles of the Kings series or Francine Rivers' Mark of the Lion series. 
Survival. A Hebrew girl first tasted the need of it when she escaped death nearly seventy years ago as the Babylonian army ransacked Jerusalem and took their finest as captives. She honed her skill while living among the Medes, bowing her knee to both gods and men. 
Now, as Daniel’s wife and matriarch of her family, Belili thinks she’s safe and can live out her days in Babylon without fear—until the night Daniel is escorted to King Belshazzar’s palace to interpret mysterious handwriting on a wall. On that very night, the Medo-Persian Army invades, and Belili’s tightly-wound secrets begin to unravel. 
As Yahweh’s sovereign hand guides Jerusalem’s exiles to the end of captivity, can the frightened Hebrew girl break the chains of survival and dare to live in truth? And how will the conqueror, King Darius, respond to Babylon’s longest-living wise man, a man who prays to Yahweh alone? Experience, with Daniel and Belili, the majesty and splendor of Yahweh, the God of fire and lions.
Read a sneak peek !
My Rating
This was such an amazing story and really brought the book of Daniel to life. I, personally, don't much about Daniel besides him working with the kings, the story of his friends in the fiery furnace and his encounter with the lions in the den. However, Mesu Andrews really crafted a story around the keys events pulling from scripture and adding beautiful details in to the story.

This is a dual perspective novel which is told from both Daniel and his wife. I love the focus of family and trusting God. Very powerful message on truth as well.

Belili is an absolutely strong woman! She endured so much hurt, pain and betrayal, but she kept pushing forward. She made her mistakes of course, but it showed her human side. Belili was amazing as a mother and wife. With all the things that were thrown at her she stayed strong. I loved her strength, her realness and her vulnerability throughout the story.

Daniel is a very God-fearing man, but he also had his faults and flaws which I appreciated it being shown in this story. He was all about God, but so much so that it ruined his family a bit. I loved seeing Daniel interpret dreams, I loved how he was as a young boy. Very smart, wise and always seeking God. Daniel was a loving man as well from start to finish. Respectable in every way.

The romance between Belili and Daniel was AMAZING! They fell in love during a hard time in their lives. When things were finally picked up for them they had to be separated which felt like a betrayal, but God brought them back together. I loved every interaction between the two of them. They had such a real and raw love for one another that was secondary to their love for God. It was amazing to see God work in their lives despite the harsh life they had in Babylon.

Their children were all so interesting. Especially Kezia and Allamu of all the children. Allamu was Belili's son from her first marriage and I found that he pissed me off a ton. Kezia is the oldest daughter from Belili and Daniel's marriage. The way both Kezi and Allamu treated Belili was so heartbreaking. However, they way they both grew to love and respect her was amazing.

The kings were all interesting to read about, especially since I've read a bit about them in the Bible. I loved seeing them come to life in various ways and in their personalities. I really enjoyed Cyrus the most, especially the last few chapters. Darius was a bit insane though -- quick to kill people. King Nebuchadnezzar was pretty cool too even in his scene with acting like animal -- I though that was funny and sad.

Overall, this is a really great story of the book of Daniel. I found that I had my Bible out to compare the scripture references and truly understand the book of Daniel and the fictional portions. Totally recommend it if you want to see what Daniel's life would've been like with his family, his work and God.


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