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VOTW | John 14:27 - The Gift of Peace

Hey Gems!!!

Today I want to talk about something that many of us find hard to obtain, but that is more easy to obtain than we think it is. God left us a gift through Jesus that we should all know how to access, but because of the world we live in we just don’t get it. That gift is peace.
Peace is something we believe is far-fetched and many don’t take it seriously, but we should. Peace should keep us strong. Jesus even tells us this in John 14:27,
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
I mean wow. He tells us all about the gift He’s giving to us and what we should do. In typical DOI fashion let’s breakdown some words for a deeper understanding or interpretation.
  • Peace – Greek word eiréné meaning peace of mind, rest, quietness, God’s gift of wholeness; state of national tranquility; security, safety, prosperity
    • the tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is
  • Leave – Greek word aphiémi meaning leave remaining, permit,
  • Give – Greek word didómi meaning to put, offer, place, to bestow as a gift, to grant
  • World – Greek word is kosmos. In this sentence it means the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ
  • Heart – Greek word kardia meaning inner life, mind, character, inner self, will or intention; the capacity of moral preference
  • Troubled – Greek word tarassó meaning to stir up (upset), agitate, disturb, to render anxious or distressed
  • Afraid – Greek word deiliaó meaning to be cowardly, fearful, timid or live in dread
Now that I have these words broken down in the Greek, let’s rephrase this for a “better” understanding:
Wholeness I permit to be with you, My rest I bestow to you; not as the ungodly offers do I offer. Do not let your mind, will or character be distressed or disturbed, neither let it live in dread, be fearful or timid.
Wow, I mean seriously. God’s peace is so many things to us and we don’t really know even when we “claim” we do. This verse has so much punch to it, yet we normally just read it and move on after a few “ohs” and “ahs” – today though we are going to really dive deep and prayerfully you are able to apply this verse to your life in some manner once you’re done reading this.

This verse begins by saying, “peace I leave with you” I think this is a truly beautiful thing. Jesus, knowing that he would leave this earth, didn’t leave us empty. He left us with many things and among them He left peace with us. Leaving it with us meant that it would remain with us and we’d have access to it continually. Peace that was easily accessible when we truly wanted and/or needed it. Are you aware that Jesus left you with peace which means you have access to it?

The next portion of this scripture says, “My peace I give to you” and this helps us to understand that it’s not a regular kind of peace. Oh no, this peace is Jesus’ which is in turn the peace of God. This peace is one of security, safety, prosperity, and wholeness. With this, he bestows it upon us. If this is given to us then we should do as the Apostle Peter said in 1 Peter 3:11, “let him seek peace and pursue it.” Though it may have been given to us freely we still need to do our part and seek it out daily. Are you seeking and pursuing the peace of God? How often are you doing so? If not, how can you begin to seek and pursue this peace daily?

Not as the world gives do I give to you” which means that people of world say peace without any special meaning behind it. There’s no depth or strength to the peace they give us. Their peace always comes with some sort of condition or restriction and is nine times out of ten, never fulfilling to our hearts and minds. However, Jesus granted us peace on a whole different level. The peace the world gives is usually ungodly and/or used as a distraction or deliberate blindness. Jesus, on the other hand, gives real peace – the peace of God, that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). His peace is much more than distraction, but it gives us a sense of wholeness in all aspects. Do you find yourself in a state of rest or tranquility from the peace the world offers you? How does the peace the world gives differ from that of Christ in your life?

It follows up with “let not your heart be troubled” which is Jesus’ way of telling us we need to ensure that our mind, will and character are not distressed or disturbed by this world. His peace is sufficient enough to keep us fearless and focused. When we allow the distractions the world offers to become our peace we can fall out of sync and alignment with the will of God. His peace keeps us in a state of tranquility even when things seem to go wrong. Are you constantly anxious, agitated or distressed? How can you get more peace in your life?

The final part of this verse is “neither let it be afraid.” Fear is not something God gave to us. In 2 Timothy 1:7 it says, “for God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.” The phrase sound mind can be translated to self-control or even calmness. We receive that through the peace Jesus left us with. Do you find that you have more fear in your life than peace? How can you add more peace into your life?

This peace, as I said at the beginning of this post, is something that we can and do have access to. All we have to do it is take, receive and accept it. Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28-29, “come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” All we have to do is go to Him and take on His yoke to receive that peace. The peace that gives us rest, peace of mind and security.  We also need to continuously seek Him to get that peace.

We hear all the time that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and hopefully after reading this you understand why He is. Let peace be the umpire of your life. If you don't have peace in something, don't do it. The peace Jesus left us is much more fulfilling when we allow the peace to continuously flow through us.

Weekly Dare
Every day this week I want you to evaluate your level of peace daily by asking God.



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