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Seeing the Unseen by Randy Alcorn {Book Review}

Title: Seeing the Unseen, Expanded Edition

Author: Randy Alcorn

Series: Standalone

Age: Adult

Genres: Christian Living

Expected Publication Date: October 17, 2017

Publisher: Multnomah Books

Source: Paperback provided

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Let the Hope of Eternity 
Shape Your Life Today

Scripture tells us to fix our eyes on the unseen. Rather than focus on what will fade, we’re encouraged to lock our gaze on things of eternal value. But how exactly can we do that amid the immediate demands of life?

In this expanded edition of his devotional Seeing the Unseen, Randy Alcorn provides 90 inspirational readings that will help you view today through the lens of the eternal.

As we better grasp the realities of the spiritual realm, we gain a clearer perspective on our present life, including things like suffering, happiness, generosity, and peace. This transformative devotional equips you to live with a right view of eternity—one that will shape not just what you believe, but how you navigate the challenges and opportunities of each day.
My Rating: 
This is such a phenomenal devotional! I love how it beautifully it is written and how it truly speaks to the heart and gets you closer in your walk with God. This devotional doesn't make you feel out of place or awkward, it speaks about some very relevant things. I loved this book. Loved the devotions and definitely recommend it to others it. This is great to use in the morning after your morning prayers, before you do a bible study or even before you go sleep. Definitely plan to use this devotional several times!

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