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Favorite Devotionals

Hello Gems!

I recently did a post sharing my 5 favorite Christian non-fiction reads and in that post I stated that I would be doing a separate one for my favorite devotionals. I decided to only share my favorite 4 at the moment, so there will be a part two to this post some time down the line.

Devotional books are amazing! I find them helpful in so many ways:
  1. Great to read first thing in the morning to get your mind on God and positivity
  2. Helps you pray when you're stuck on what to pray
  3. Allows you to see Godly principles in practice/application
  4. Great to read before bed to help you get relaxed
Devotionals were created for individuals to read for personal edification and spiritual formation. There are so many types of devotionals that are geared towards every type of person in this world. Be it a devotional on marriage for women, one on school for teens, one on faith for men...there are just so many.

I have a shelf full of devotionals ranging from quarterly ones to ones about certain areas of life. They keep me going when I don't have the "time" or "energy" to read my Bible. Here are just a few that I will forever love...

#1 Our Daily Bread by Our Daily Bread Ministries

I have been a fan of their devotionals for years. My mom got me into them years ago and since then I've always had a devotional from them. They do quarterly devotionals and seasonal ones as well. Their devotional comes in three formats: print, email and mobile. I love how insightful their devotionals are, they give you a set scripture for that day, a focal point, a prayer and even give you a Bible reading plan. I find that these devotional help to get me ready for my days. Love reading these in the morning.

PS - you get perks every 3 months such as free books, study guides, calendars, journals and so much more.

Grab your own copy of the ODB devotional by subscribing on their website. It's totally free!

#2 In Touch from In Touch Ministries

This devotional is similar to the Our Daily Bread one, except that it comes every month, it's a larger size booklet that comes with lined space for writing in it. In Touch was founded by Dr. Charles F. Stanley. I enjoy this devotional a lot. I tend to read this after reading the ODB devotional. If you find that you can't get into doing your Bible study, pick this up and it will surely get you in gear to do so. This devotional also comes with perks such as free books too.

Get your hands on your own monthly devotional by subscribing. Yes, it's free.

#3 God Is Faithful compiled by Pastor Dr. Johnny Hunt

This was a gem that my mom found one night when we were shopping in Walmart. She grabbed it and threw it in the cart and I immediately had one of those "I want one too mommy!" moments, so I went over to the bookshelf and grabbed one. This is a 365 day devotional written by a ton of male pastors. I have gotten 10 weeks into the devotional as it's broken down into 52 weeks. This is one of those devotionals where you need to highlight, underline, circle words, write in the margins and cross reference. I LOVE this devotional so much. I highly recommend this!

God Is Faithful has been designed to help you live each moment in God's presence. Every day is filled with Scripture-led moments that bring to light God's promises of His faithful love and care. In 52 weeks of readings, 6 readings per week, you'll be drawn closer to our Savior, who loves you unconditionally. This edition features a faux leather binding, a ribbon bookmark and a presentation page for gift giving.
Buy your copy now: Christian Book | Thomas Nelson | Walmart 

#4 Strength for Every Moment by T.D Jakes

This was yet another Walmart gem. I was on the line waiting to purchase my things and I browsed the little bookshelf and saw this book. Now all I noticed were the title and the author at the time, but when I flipped the book around and saw what the tagline said I just had to laugh because it spoke to my spirit and situation at that moment. The tagline is:
Turn your breakdowns into breakthroughs!!
Just amazing. I love that this is an interactive devotional with tons questions to answer and ponder on. This devotional is everything when you are feeling like you have no strength or you really need help pushing yourself to a breakthrough. Also extremely great to use when you are fasting.

When life's worries are crashing down around you, lean into the Lord's everlasting arms of love! Jakes will empower you with wisdom to turn your challenges into triumphs and your breakdowns into breakthroughs. Through inspirational Scripture and personal insights, his 50 devotional readings will embolden your spirit and invigorate your faith. 200 pages, softcover from Destiny Image.
Purchase your copy: Christian Book | Amazon | B&N 

These are just the first four I have to share with you all. I enjoy each of these and though I haven't full completed every single day I find that they are great to keep in your stash for moments when you need encouragement from the Word of God and to read evidence of His works. I definitely recommend you check these devotionals out when you can.

What's your favorite devotional to read?


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