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Bible Study Essentials

Happy Monday Gems,

Over the past three weeks I've been sharing my tips and thoughts on how to begin studying the Bible. I've shared six easy steps into getting started and gave four study methods to try out. Now we're going to talk about something else...
Now, I know this may seem crazy to some of you. Essentials? For Bible study? Yes, there are some essentials that I believe are key to having an effective Bible study. These essentials can also help to make studying your Bible more interesting, interactive and fun (at least for us girls).

Eight Bible Study Essentials

1) A study Bible is essential to your Bible study. Get a study Bible in a translation you understand with good, factual commentary. It can be a regular study Bible or a study Bible specifically geared towards women.

2) A secondary Bible is great to have in a different translation to help you further understand what you are reading.

3) Pens and pencils to write, underline, star, circle or box things in the margins.

4) Gel highlighters and/or colored pencils to highlight key words, important verses and mark up things to remember. This goes hand and hand with the use of pencils and pens.

5) Paper in the form of a notebook, journal or loose leaf in a binder to write your thoughts, questions, prayers, notes down in. These will help you keep your notes in a collective place.

6) Sticky notes and/or index cards to write down prayers, mark specific points in your Bible or make things stand out.

7) Dictionary to look up words that stand out and thoroughly define words to help understand the context it's being used in.

8) Companion resources such as Bible studies, guides, devotional or books. These will help you go deeper into your Bible study. They may answer questions you've written down, put things into "real life" perspective for you or give you new things to ponder on.

These are all the essentials I think are key to an effective Bible study session. Now, of course you can have other things such as music, internet resources, cute stickers or even multiple reading plans, but these eight essentials are the beginning to really building a way of studying the Bible for yourself.

Do you use any of these essentials?


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