Title : The Whole Bible Story: Everything That Happens in the Bible Author : William Marty & Troy Schmidt Age : Middle Grade, Young Adult Genres : Bible Study; Christian Non-Fiction Publication Date : November 2, 2021 Publisher : Bethany House Publishers Source : Paperback Synopsis : In this young reader's edition of an ongoing seller, Dr. William Marty's retelling of the entire narrative of the Bible is an easy-to-read, chronological account formatted to appeal to a younger audience. Engaging illustrations throughout will enhance young readers' experience as the plot and characters of Scripture come to life in new and exciting ways. My Rating : A phenomenal resource for Middle Grade and Young Adults. I'd even recommend this to a babe in Christ as well. It's simple and easy to read layout, but still informative. Does a brief run through of the books of the Bible with focus on particular themes and stories within the Bible. I could see me using t...