Title : Growing Slow Bible Study: A 6-Week Guided Journey to Un-Hurrying Your Heart Author : Jennifer Dukes Lee Genres : Bible Study Publication Date : May 11, 2021 Publisher : Bethany House Publishers Source : Paperback Synopsis : We want to believe that a slower life is possible, but we're afraid of what we'll miss if we don't keep up the pace. So we bend to the pressure and miss the gift of rest and slowness. What if we could move from a place of depleting hurry to grasp the high reward of good things grown slowly? In this Bible study, which accompanies a trade book by the same name, Jennifer Dukes Lee helps readers dig deep into Scripture to reveal how land is a picture of our slow growth into claiming the promises of God. The land is more than a backdrop for the Bible. It is a central part of the magnificent narrative, from the very beginning when Creator God used dirt to make life on a farm called Eden. Jennifer weaves these biblical lessons into her own e...